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  • John Charles AFH

Supporting Resistant Parents: Navigating the Transition to a Care Home

Adult children are often faced with the difficult situation of having to help elderly parents make a decision about their future. Elderly parents will commonly feel capable of caring for themselves while loved ones recognize this may not be the case.

The decision to move a loved one into a care home marks a poignant juncture in their life and is often met with resistance. Many families come to learn that this time marks an emotional crossroads, where understanding, empathy, and gentle guidance become important in paving the way for a smoother transition.

Understand their Emotions

Resistance to this type of change usually arises from a deep-seated fear of losing independence or leaving behind a place steeped in memories. Most parents live in a place that holds dear memories that can not be replicated elsewhere. Recognizing and validating these emotions are an important part of initiating a meaningful conversation about necessary change.

No-one enjoys the feeling of being forced to do something against their will. Make sure that your loved ones feel heard and their concerns are understood, help them feel as though they are being assisted instead of being forced.


Approach the topic of change with empathy. Some parents may feel as though they are becoming burdensome the older they get. This can cause sensitivity around topics such as long term care. Convey to them that their feelings and emotions are seen and understood.

Over time, conversations can evolve into productive discussions. Allow them to share their concerns while helping them make plans for the near future that will benefit them and their well-being.

Involvement and Empowerment

Involving parents in the decision-making process can prove to be a key part in helping them accept the need for change. Empower them by researching care homes together, visiting facilities, and discussing preferences. This can help the seemingly daunting change become a collaborative endeavor. Allow them to keep their sense of control over their future.

Their active participation in the process will allow for a gradual mental adjustment, turning what once felt like an imposition into a decision they feel ownership of.

Navigate the Journey

It is crucial to take things gradually. Introduce the idea of a care home through visits or short stays to normalize the environment. These experiences can alleviate initial apprehensions and make the eventual transition less abrupt.

Preserve Dignity and Autonomy

Emphasize the positives of a care home. Highlighting the safety, supportive community, and opportunities for social engagement while preserving dignity and autonomy will act as a comforting reassurance.

The transition will not be free of challenges. However, patience, empathy, and a gradual approach will alleviate many hesitations. 

Conclusion: Nurture the Transition

Helping resistant parents navigate the move to a care home is a delicate dance of empathy and patience. It’s about nurturing a space for open communication, involving them in decisions, and providing reassurance that change does not equate to loss.

As parents continue to adjust to their new living situation, maintain a connection to their emotions and struggles. This will help guide them towards an acceptance and appreciation of a new home meant to support them.

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